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#Mention5DaysofXmas — 5 Premium Marketing Resource Stacks For 2020

#Mention5DaysofXmas — 5 Premium Marketing Resource Stacks For 2020

Home Blog Digital Marketing #Mention5DaysofXmas — 5 Premium Marketing Resource Stacks For 2020

Christmas is just around the corner and we’re feeling extra generous this year 🎅

2019 has once again been an incredible year for Mention, thanks to you, our clients, users, and blog readers.

#Mention5DaysofXmas — 5 Premium Marketing Resource Stacks For 2020 - Thanks

To show our gratitude, we’ve put together 5 Free Content Resource Stacks that we think will help you get a head start on your 2020 marketing planning.

Each stack includes our ‘best of’ resources on a different topic ranging from social media to influencer marketing. 

Every day this week — yep, even on Christmas Day —, we will release one exclusive content stack on the blog. All you have to do is to check back each day to unlock the new content stack of the day. Who says nothing in life is free?

Once online, the content stacks will be available only until December 31st. So hurry up!

*P.S. To ensure that these freebies get delivered to you, check that your preferences updated so you’re opted in to receive emails from us!

#Mention5DaysofXmas — 5 Premium Marketing Resource Stacks For 2020 - Hurry

Starting today with the [free] Influencer Marketing Christmas Stack.

DAY 1 — Influencer Marketing Xmas Stack

In 2020, influencers should be an essential part of your marketing strategy. 

The hard truth is that your target audience trusts influencers more than they trust your brand — they feel a genuine connection with them and often value their product recommendations.  

Having said that, influencer marketing only delivers great results for brands getting it right. 

When working with an influencer isn’t relevant to your brand, you risk delivering a message to the wrong audience. What could be worse is that, you could damage your brand’s credibility if the collaboration doesn’t go smoothly.

#Mention5DaysofXmas — 5 Premium Marketing Resource Stacks For 2020 - Bootea

You won’t want this to happen to your brand.
To help you make the most out your 2020 influencer strategy, download your free resource stack and get:

DAY 2 — Content Marketing Xmas Stack

Did you know that 65% of businesses find it challenging to produce engaging content.

We know first hand how tough and time-consuming content creation is. So when you commit to creating content, you need to make sure that it’s both on point and engaging.

Well, to make sure that you never run out of good content ideas, we’ve put together the ultimate Content Marketing Stack.

Download this Content Marketing Stack and get our best resources including:

Come back tomorrow for more free resources! — And Merry Christmas everyone ☺️

DAY 3 — Crisis Management 🚨 Xmas Stack 🎄

Online crises are inevitable

In the era of social media, brands have the opportunity to use great tools and channels to communicate with their audience which can help them increase awareness and revenue.

But social media also brought upon something that many brands often forget to take into account: giving up control of the conversation to their audiences.

Social media has thus become the biggest resource of public reviews and customer rants about brands and products. If not managed well, these public opinions can sometimes set your brand off into a PR crisis.

Download this Crisis Management Stack and get:

DAY 4 — Social Media Management Xmas Stack 🎄

Building an effective social media strategy to turn more of your followers into customers is easier said than done.

The reality is that marketers are having a hard time seeing the ROI of the time and money they invest in social media.

This is why we’ve handpicked these three piece of resources to help you get the most of your effort that you put into your social media strategy. 

Download this Social Media Management Stack and get:

DAY 5 — Instagram Marketing Xmas Stack  

Did you know that 71% of businesses are using Instagram?(source: Instagram, US)

With a very engaged 1B+ active user base, Instagram is THE social media platform that you should focus on right now to grow your business.

Having said that, Instagram will only meet your performance expectations if you know how to use it properly.

Well, we’ve identified the latest trends and we have created premium resources to guide you to make the best out of Instagram. 

Download this Instagram Marketing Stack and get:

And this concludes our Xmas Week!

We truly hope that this will help you to make the best out of 2020! 

See you “next” year! 🎉

Clément René

Clément is a Content Marketer. He creates content to help brands manage their online reputation strategy. If not behind a screen, you can find him reading books in Parisian cafés or exploring the city with his dog.

Content Marketer @Mention