Twitter Engagement Calculator

Measure the engagement rate of any Twitter account based on average likes and tweets
Who can use Mention's Twitter Engagement Calculator?
Anyone with a public Twitter account with at least 100 followers and 10 tweets can use Mention's Twitter Engagement Calculator.
How do you calculate the engagement rate on Twitter?
Engagement rate on Twitter is calculated as the sum of: (Likes + Retweets + Quotes + Replies) divided by the number of tweets, then by the total number of followers, then multiplied by 100.

Mention's Twitter Engagement Calculator uses the metrics from the last 10 tweets to analyze the engagement rate.
What is a good Twitter engagement rate?
The median engagement rate on Twitter is 0.037%. Anything higher than 0.037% is considered a good result.

  • 0 - 0.005% - Need improvement
  • 0.005% - 0.037% - Not bad
  • 0.037% - 0.098% - Good
  • 0.098% or higher - Awesome.
What counts as an Engagement on Twitter?
Our tool count as engagement all the public metrics Twitter provides, such as: likes, retweets, quotes and the replies.

The Twitter Engagement Calculator counts all public interactions as an Engagement. These include: likes, retweets, quote tweets and replies.
Why should you measure your Twitter Engagement Rate?
Your engagement rate is one of the most reliable indicators of Twitter performance. It is a good marker of how strong your brand's influence is, and how popular your content is.

Follower numbers don't mean much if the engagement rate is weak.

Your Twitter engagement rate is also an indicator of how favorably the algorithm will treat your content. If you consistently get a low engagement rate, the platform will be less likely to show your post on your followers' feeds.
Where do the Twitter statistics come from?
We are using the official Twitter API to access the public metrics of the last 10 tweets of the username. Based on those metrics, we calculated the Twitter engagement rate.
What is the advantage of using Mention's Twitter Engagement Calculator?
Mention's Twitter Engagement Calculator can be used to check the engagement rate of any account: including ones that don't belong to you. As long as it is a public account, and you know the username, we can tell you their engagement rate. This is great to benchmark yourself against your competitors.

Furthermore, as we take into account only the last 10 tweets, it is a more up-to-date and relevant statistic, since this measure can be easily affected by outliers.
How can I increase my engagement rate on Twitter?
There are many different actions you can take to try to increase your engagement rate.

  1. Be more active on Twitter. Posting more frequently increases the likelihood of your post appearing on your followers' feeds.
  2. Stop buying followers. Fake followers who don't interact with your content will decrease your engagement. You should manually remove these from your following list as soon as possible.
  3. Post about trending topics that are relevant to your audience. Twitter is all about keeping current, so you should keep an eye on what's trending in the news or your industry.
  4. Experiment with different types of posts. Try posting about new topics, and test what your audience engages with.
  5. Keep an eye on trending formats or templates. Right now, you will see many Twitter users posting threads with multiple tweets related to one theme. This is an example of a highly engaging Twitter format.
  6. Respond to highly engaged or viral Twitter posts. This will make your brand visible to a wider audience