Instagram Tagging

Instagram tags help us get our content in front of more people. But there’s more to it than hashtags — tagging other accounts and users is a great way to boost reach and cross-promote to people with other relevant interests.

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  • —Engagment

    Tagging other accounts is good for engagement.

  • —Amount

    The more accounts you tag the better.

Should I tag other Instagram accounts?

Yes, tagging other Instagram accounts can boost your post's engagement. Your post appears on their profiles, enhancing its reach. Surprisingly, posts tagging over 11 people show the highest engagement. But remember, don't overdo it - nobody likes spam. Happy tagging!

Median engagement vs. number of tags

  • Median engagement

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Should I tag other Instagram accounts in North America?

In North America, tagging other Instagram accounts can significantly raise your post's engagement. It's like casting a wider net - the more people you tag, the wider your reach. In fact, posts that tag over 11 people have shown the greatest engagement.

Median engagement vs. number of tags in North America

  • Median engagement

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Should I tag other Instagram accounts in the UK?

In the UK, tagging other Instagram accounts is a proven method to enhance your post's engagement. The posts tagging over 11 people have experienced the highest engagement.

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Instagram mentions vs. Instagram tags — What’s the difference?

Mentions and tags on Instagram both link your post to other users' accounts. Mentions are when you use "@" followed by their username in your caption or comment, which alerts them about your post.

On the other hand, tags are placed directly on your image or video. You can do this when you first make your post or even later by editing the post. When you tag someone, they get notified and the image or video appears in a separate tab on their profile. This means your post could potentially reach all of their followers unless they decide to remove the tag.

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Instagram Tagging