Other Twitter Facts & Figures
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Twitter engagement for brands is 17% higher on weekends. (Huffington Post)
Higher education
28% of Americans with a college degree use Twitter. (Hootsuite)
Top countries
5 countries account for 50% of all tweets. (Statista)
The average Twitter user follows five brands. (Lori Taylor)
Response times
60% of users expect a brand to respond to queries within an hour. (Twitter)
Suspended accounts
Twitter has suspended 935,000+ accounts for terror-related reasons. (Engadget)
Black Panther
As of April 2018, Black Panther is already the most tweeted-about movie ever. (Twitter)
Fake users
As of 2016, almost 50% of Justin Bieber's followers were fake. (Mashable)
Swear words
1 in 13 tweets contains a curse word. (Spinfold)