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How digital marketing agency Labellecom helps its customers structure their social media strategy

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Labellecom is a premium digital marketing agency specialized in B2C and B2B Social Media Management, that defines itself as a social media craftsman. With 10 years of experience in the French and international market, the agency offers a holistic approach to social media management, being present for its clients from the audit phase all the way through to the operational execution of action plans and performance monitoring. If you're still looking for an agency to manage your social media strategy, Labellecom is the one to turn to!

Agency, Marketing


Paris, France



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10 years at the forefront of Social Media Management

Social media strategy and operational management of social networks are both key issues for brands. This is not news to anyone, as brand presence on social networks over the last 10 years has only grown stronger.

However, it's clear that the organic social network lever is facing more and more challenges, which brands find difficult to meet without the support of experts in the field:

A war for attention: in the past, brands were less competitive for social media user’s attention, and messages were therefore easier to deliver. Distrust of branded content: audiences are increasingly distrustful of official communications. The emergence of the "Green Washing" qualification is a good example of this.

For these reasons, social media agencies have had to reinvent their service offering. Labellecom has successfully met this challenge with the help of Mention.
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Access qualitative and quantitative data for online presence audits

When they started out 10 years ago, Labellecom focused primarily on the operational management of social networks. They needed to be able to monitor the performance of strategies implemented for their customers in a simple, cross-platform way.

“At this time, Mention enabled us to monitor the impact of actions implemented on behalf of our customers on the social networks”’
Benjamin Goacolou, CEO @ Labellecom

Then, Labellecom decided to evolve its service offering to include a more strategic and premium component : the Brand Digital Presence Audit. This new offering consists of taking stock of a brand's digital presence and its market, before proposing and then executing a unique strategy. Mention is a central tool to access that market data!

“Mention gave us access to a first level of information essential for conducting these audits.
I needed both qualitative and quantitative datas. In particular volume of mentions, historical datas on a market, and sentiment Analysis regarding a brand or a topic of interest for the brand ”

Benjamin Goacolou
CEO @ Labellecom
CEO Labellecom
Labellecom cover picture

Understanding polarity and virality on social networks

When we asked Labellecom how they had benefited from using Mention, the answer was very simple. Labellecom has been able to forge a very clear opinion on content strategies for social networks by conducting audits for their clients and dissecting the performance of the top performers in their market with Mention.

    Here's what they found :
  • No success without content polarization
  • No virality without polarization

“Mention has played a central role in shaping our convictions, enabling us to identify patterns between the content proposed and the results obtained. Today, these discoveries have led us to take a strong stance with our clients: it's better to be strong on a few editorial lines consistent with the company's activity, and to do so in a very personal way (even if it means being divisive), rather than multiplying the subjects to be addressed and tackling them in a consensual way. ”

Benjamin Goacolou
CEO @ Labellecom
CEO Labellecom

Mention, the best value for money

When you're an agency, choosing the right tool is often a delicate trade-off between cost and benefit. For Labellecom, after shortlisting a list of players, Mention proved to be the tool that best met its specifications. Of course, the ease of use of the tool was also an important element in Labellecom’s choice.

"If I had to choose just one word to describe Mention, it would surely be 'accessible'. The platform is very easy to use, and offers a wide range of uses that perfectly meet my agency's needs. Benjamin Goacolou, CEO @ Labellecom

"I don't trust all-in-one tools that offer tons of features I don't need. For an equivalent benefit, Mention was the choice offering me the best return on investment. It's logical that I left with them and that our relationship has now lasted 10 years."

Benjamin Goacolou
CEO @ Labellecom
CEO Labellecom
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Mention & Labellecom

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