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How Kajabi Solves Clients' Issues With Mention

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About Kajabi

Kajabi is the only Knowledge Commerce Platform solution that helps entrepreneurs host online courses and membership sites. On top of the courses themselves, it offers web hosting, landing pages, email marketing, checkout carts, and live webinars, all from a single platform.


Software, Internet, & ICT


Irvine, California

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Find and help customers on social media

Kajabi joined Mention for the same reason as most brands: to find people talking about them online. They knew that many of their customers and prospects didn't know the best ways to contact them. "We noticed that many of our users don't use social media on a daily basis. They don't always know how to tag us on social so that we can find it. So we signed up with Mention to track people using our name that we'd otherwise miss."

When social users mention a brand name but forget the "@" symbol, it can be hard to track their comments. For Kajabi, this is no longer an issue. "Now I can see our customers' posts, find them on social media, and interact with them. That's the main reason we started with Mention."

Monitor competitors

Kajabi's main goal for Mention was to see what people said about them. But they quickly discovered that they could now pay much closer attention to other brands in their market. "We also wanted to step up our game when it comes to competitors. We want to see the issues their users have. Not in a malicious way, but we want to make sure we avoid those same issues ourselves."

Kajabi learns more about their competitors by seeing how they interact with customers. They can then improve their own processes. "We also love to see the way they interact with customers, and the way that customers respond. I love to see how those conversations flow on social media so that I can make sure our conversations are comfortable for our customers."

"I was actually really impressed with how much social reach some of our competitors have, too. I was impressed by how many mentions they were getting. So I could then look closer at what they were doing to generate this engagement. Long term, I think that'll really help us get our community engaged online."
Kajabi works with Mention Learn how Kabaji uses Mention See how Kajabi wins with Mention

"Our customers are so impressed that we're able to have this broad social media reach, because of Mention."

Allie Goodsby
Social Media Specialist
Allie Goodsby, Kajabi

Find new customers

A simple strategy to bring attention to your business is to solve problems for people. If you can help social users that need it, they're more likely to being paying customers.

"We watch for generic questions about online courses and would like some guidance about features, we can jump straight in. If someone has a question about which platforms have certain features, we also want to be able to respond and point them our way. We're able to find those people who haven't quite made up their mind yet, and give them a nudge."

One particular instances stands out: "One of our customers tweeted, asking whether anyone had tried Kajabi and whether we were any good. But didn't tag us, just used our name. Luckily, Mention caught it. So I went to his profile and was able to direct him to our Launch Pad. He was so impressed, and asked for a demo right away."

"I sent him to our sales team, they did the demo that day, and he was so excited about it that he signed up for a Premium plan on the spot. So he went from someone just mentioning us on social media to our highest plan in a single day. I only saw his name in the first place because of Mention. That was a brand new sales process for us. The whole flow was so seamless."

"Digital has become so important for any business. If you're not tracking digital, you're dead in the water."

Allie Goodsby
Social Media Specialist
Allie Goodsby, Kajabi

Find new content ideas

By monitoring competitors, Kajabi can see the very best of their ideas. "One of our competitors published a comprehensive review of all the tools an entrepreneur would need to start their business. 40 companies that you can integrate with this particular competitor. They just knocked it out of the park with this massive post."

This presented an opportunity. This competitor had set a new bar for Kajabi to jump over. They needed to write something comparable that reflected Kajabi's core values. "So we took that and had our content writer create a post about the 40 tools that you can replace with Kajabi. Whereas they told their audience the 40 things you can't do with their tool, we wanted to show how you could do most of them with ours. So we made a comparable blog post, but one that also explains why our product is an all-in-one tool."

"This is one way we can fuel our content marketing strategy with Mention. Knowing how that other company was using its blog to represent their values inspired us to do the same, but with our own company voice."

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