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Introducing Influencer Scores for Mention Alerts!

Introducing Influencer Scores for Mention Alerts!

Home Blog Mention News Introducing Influencer Scores for Mention Alerts!

We’ve all been here before: it’s 11 am, you have a hard stop for a phone call at 11:15, and you decide to spend some time responding to your recent mentions. But you know 15 minutes isn’t enough time to read and react to all of them.

How do you decide where to start? By the type of source? Chronological order? Reverse chronological order? If only there were a way to make sure you were responding to the most influential alerts first…

Good news! Now there is – you could choose to only respond to certain influencers! And that’s just one thing you can do with this new feature.

Introducing Mention’s Influencer Scores

Our new Influencer Score makes it easy to identify the mentions that matter most. You’ll be able to see the score for mentions from any source (except Facebook, image, or video). That means it’ll be there for the following mention sources:

  • Web
  • Twitter
  • Forums
  • Blogs
  • News

Just take a glance at panel 3 (the one on the right), and you’ll see a score between 0 and 100 down where you can view the source info.

This new feature is available to all users (freebie accounts, rejoice!), for all new mentions.

But beyond scores on individual alerts, we’re also giving you an easy way to view all your top influencers. When you head over to your statistics section, select any mention alert and see the most influential websites and Twitter accounts talking about your alert.

influencer analytics

Why is this awesome news?

The Influencer Score will allow you to do things like:

  • See who’s knowledgeable about a certain keyword
  • See who the influencers are for a certain industry or community
  • Discover potential brand ambassadors
  • Grow your community by engaging with influential people
  • Prioritize your to-do list by responding to more influential mentions first

There’s a lot that you can do with influencers online, which we’ve written about before. But the step that we hadn’t written about was how to find them in the first place. Well, here’s a great way!

Now, we’ve solved that for you so you can get to work building your relationships with them.

See how much influence the people who mention you have.

Don’t have a Mention account and want to take it for a spin? Start your 14-day free trial today.

Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below!

Brittany Berger

Guest Blogger @Mention