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Share of voice : What is it and you to increase yours

Share of voice : What is it and you to increase yours

Home Blog Social Media Share of voice : What is it and you to increase yours

If you’ve ever wondered how visible your brand is within your industry, share of voice is a concept you’ll want to familiarize yourself with. Share of voice measures the market your brand owns compared to others, making it an invaluable metric in marketing.

Establishing a strong share of voice within a crowded market is crucial for any brand looking to stand out. It’s not just about making noise, but more about being heard by the right people.

High Share of Voice


Calculating your brand’s share of voice can help you gain insights into brand visibility and identify areas where your marketing strategy can be adjusted for better impact.

Whether through social media, PPC, SEO, or media mentions, increasing your share of voice means increasing the likelihood of consumers thinking of your brand first when they’re ready to make a purchase.

Understanding and measuring your share of voice can be quite a game changer. It highlights your current position and helps you envision your future position within the industry landscape. Let’s get started.

Understanding Share of Voice

Share of Voice (SOV) is like the megaphone of the market. It tells you how loud your brand’s voice is compared to competitors. Let’s look at exactly what that means, why it should matter to you, and how it’s evolved.

Share of Voice definition

Share of Voice (SOV) is an interesting fusion of metrics that gives a brand insight into its relative market presence. It’s the slice of the pie that everyone wants to grow – the larger your Share of Voice, the bigger your slice. Simply put, it measures how much of the conversation about a certain market or topic is focused on your brand.

Example of share of voice

Importance in the Market

Why should you care about SOV? It’s about growth and visibility. Brands with a higher SOV often have better brand recall and are typified as authoritative and popular among potential customers.

By monitoring this key metric, businesses can strategize their marketing for better competitiveness in the marketplace. When used wisely, SOV becomes a tool not just for measurement but also for driving brand growth.

Understanding your SOV helps compare brand awareness across different marketing channels against your competitors.

Stages of brand awareness

Share of Voice in Digital Marketing

Understanding and optimizing Share of Voice (SOV) can make all the difference in winning the digital marketing war. It’s not just about being heard; it’s about being heard the loudest and the most often across various online platforms.

SOV measures your brand’s visibility and presence relative to competitors, and it’s crucial for carving out your digital space.

Role in SEO

When someone types a query into a search engine, they’re presented with a sea of results. Where does your brand float amidst these waves?

SEO Share of Voice calculates how often your brand appears in search results for keywords relevant to your industry. It’s a blend of science and art: proper keyword optimization leads to higher rankings, which can translate into greater brand visibility and authority.

Media monitoring campaign

Impact on PPC

Meanwhile, PPC Share of Voice stands at the intersection of expense and visibility—how much of the advertising pie did you claim?

It reflects the frequency and reach of your ads compared to your competitors. A higher SOV in paid advertising can mean that your ads are more dominant, potentially leading to a higher click-through rate, paid advertising clicks, and greater brand recall.

Strategic bidding and ad relevance are your best allies in this arena.

SOV in Social Media

Have you ever counted the number of times a brand gets mentioned online? Within social media, these shoutouts can amplify a brand’s presence like echoes across a canyon.

The Share of Voice in social media counts how often your brand is mentioned and the sentiment behind these mentions. It allows marketers to measure brand popularity, customer satisfaction, and overall engagement across diverse marketing channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Engagement is king in the kingdom of social media. And well, your social media SOV could very well be your crown.


Metrics and Measurement

When diving into the Share of Voice (SOV) concept, it’s crucial to understand that precise measurement is the key to its utility. You’ll need to focus on quantifiable metrics and leverage the right tools for the job.

Key SOV Metrics

When measuring SOV, your essential metrics include brand mentions, impressions, and the overall reach of their advertising marketing efforts. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Brand Mentions: This involves counting how often a brand is talked about online compared to competitors.
  • Impressions: They are the number of times the content is displayed, whether clicked or not.
  • Overall Reach: This considers the potential viewer count for content across all platforms.

Measuring Share of Voice Accurately

To measure Share of Voice precisely, they’ll want to consider quantitative and qualitative data. Sentiment analysis, for example, can reveal how often their brand name is mentioned and the nature of these mentions. It’s not just about volume; it’s the context, too.

Here’s what to keep in mind:

  1. Tally the mentions across platforms and compare them with competitors.
  2. Look at impressions — but also dig into engagement levels.
  3. Utilize sentiment analysis to understand the tone of the conversations.

To calculate your share of voice, divide your brand’s metrics by the total market metrics and multiply by 100 to get a percentage.

The formula is:

SOV=(Your Brand’s Metrics/Total Market Metrics)×100

For example, if your brand has 500 mentions out of 2000 total mentions in the market, your SOV would be:



Social Media and SOV

In today’s bustling digital market, share of voice (SOV) isn’t just about billboards and TV ads; social media platforms are now the arenas where brands jostle for consumers’ attention.

SOV on a social media platform measures a brand’s visibility within the vast realm of online conversations, hashtags, and engagements, setting the stage for strategic social listening.

Tracking SOV on Platforms

To gauge a brand’s presence on major social media networks and platforms, one tracks the quantity and quality of mentions against competitors.

Let’s say they’re counting the times a brand’s hashtag appears or monitoring the frequency of shared branded content. For example, if a brand’s campaign hashtag is used 1,000 times a day while the total for all similar products is 10,000, they’ve snatched a 10% SOV in hashtag use.

example Share of Voice


Engagement and Conversations

SOV isn’t simply a tally of mentions. It’s also about engagement. How often are people interacting with the brand’s content?

This includes likes, shares, comments, and retweets.

A brand could have fewer social media mentions than a competitor but a much higher engagement rate, indicating a stronger connection with its audience. This engagement is a key part of interpreting SOV on social media.

Social Listening for SOV

Social listening is crucial for measuring Share of Voice; it goes beyond counting mentions to understanding the sentiment behind the conversations happening. This can highlight how consumers feel about a brand.

Tools designed for social listening can parse through the noise to provide actionable insights, such as identifying emerging trends or shifts in consumer preferences. Through active listening, brands can strategically adjust their messaging and campaign tactics.



SEO share of voice (SOV) has emerged as a critical metric. It measures how much of the conversation in the organic search landscape is about your brand compared to competitors. Let’s decode how SEO influences SOV and vice versa, shall we?

Organic Search Visibility

If a brand is invisible on search engine results pages in organic search, it’s like they’re not even there. Brands need to be seen on search engines like Google so that they can increase website traffic.

The higher a website ranks on the search engine results page (SERP), the more likely people will click on it. This visibility ties directly into Share of Voice.

Keyword research is essential here. Understanding what potential customers are searching for and optimizing content to meet those needs helps improve a brand’s presence in organic search results.

  • Critical Keywords: Incorporating the right keywords into content can make a brand more visible.
  • Google Ads Impact: While Google Ads are crucial for paid visibility, organic results are still king for credibility and long-term SOV.

Keyword Optimization Strategies

Keyword optimization should never be a guessing game. Effective strategies involve meticulous keyword research to understand the terms and phrases that the target audience is searching for.

Once they’ve got that list, brands can craft content that speaks to those queries. This not only boosts their SOV in SEO but also helps establish a foothold in the digital space.

  • Competitor Keywords: Analyze competitors’ keywords. Where are they winning? Where are the gaps?
  • Content Optimization: Align content with user intent. Are they answering the questions that people are actually asking?
Keyword optimization


Branding and Market Positioning

Brand awareness and strategic positioning are crucial in the battle for market share. They are key to understanding how a brand compares to competitors and carving out its own space.

Building Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness is the first step in capturing a customer’s attention. It’s all about making your brand a familiar name to consumers. Statistics show that consistent brand presentation across all platforms can increase revenue by up to 23%.

For instance, a business leveraging social media effectively can boost its visibility.

  1. Stay visible: It’s simple – the more people see a brand, the more recognizable it becomes.
  2. Engage meaningfully: Beyond seeing the brand, consumers must interact with it. This could be through social media, customer reviews, or community involvement.
5 stages of brand awareness

Excess Share of Voice (ESOV)

Excess Share of Voice (ESOV) refers to the scenario where a brand’s share of voice exceeds its share of market. The concept captures the idea that investment in various marketing channels can lead to disproportionate rewards in brand growth. Higher ESOV usually points towards future market share growth.

The ESOV Effect: Brands with a high ESOV are poised for growth. They are out-shouting their market share, which often predicts an uptick in customer acquisition.

Competitive Positioning Via Share of Voice

Share of voice not only measures awareness but also helps in competitive positioning. It’s a comparative metric, after all.

Effective use of competitive metrics and SOV can surface valuable insights into how a brand measures up in the noisy market space.

  • Metrics Matter: Brands can accurately measure their visibility by calculating SOV using online mentions, ad frequency, or website traffic.
  • Direct Comparison: Comparing these metrics against those of competitors, brands can formulate targeted strategies to boost their market footprint.

Campaign Strategy and SOV

Understanding and aiming to increase Share of Voice (SOV) is crucial in crafting a campaign strategy. SOV reflects the brand’s visibility in the marketplace and can lead to heightened brand awareness and market share.

Share of voice vs market share

Planning for Higher SOV

When plotting a media strategy, the goal is to optimize every opportunity to heighten visibility. Whether through PPC, PR campaigns, or traditional advertising, the more a brand appears in comparison to competitors, the higher its Share of Voice.

An actionable step is assessing all campaign channels and allocating a budget for the brand to shine. For instance, if PPC campaigns on search engines drive significant traffic, increasing investment there might further amplify SOV.

  • Budget Allocation: Review current spending and results.
    • Allocate more resources to high-performing marketing channels.
  • Keyword Optimization: Identify high-volume keywords.
    • Optimize ads and content to rank for these terms.

Adjusting Campaigns for SOV Growth

As a marketing metric, SOV is a dynamic gauge to adjust ongoing campaigns. A mid-campaign review could reveal that tweaking an advertising angle or message may increase engagement and SOV.

They should also monitor the SOV through real-time analytics to be agile and responsive to market shifts. Consistent monitoring and adjustment ensure that the campaign remains aligned with the goal of expanding Share of Voice.

  • Monitoring and Adjustment: Conduct regular campaign reviews.
  • Use real-time analytics for agile adjustments.
Campaign strategy


Industry-Specific SOV Considerations

When it comes to measuring Share of Voice (SOV), different industries will have unique challenges and opportunities. An electronics manufacturer, for example, will face a competitive landscape different from that of a fashion retailer.

Understanding the nuances can make all the difference in crafting a strategy that resonates with your market.

Competitor Analysis

In Competitor Analysis, one must look beyond the mere volume of mentions. They should closely examine the competitive metrics relevant to their industry, such as sentiment analysis or the reach of influencer endorsements.

For instance, in the automotive industry, the influence of expert reviews can weigh more heavily than in other sectors.

Media Share of Voice

Under Media Share of Voice, companies should consider the types of social media accounts, that are most consumed in their industry.

While an IT company might get a lot of buzz on tech blogs, a luxury fashion brand might need to command attention on visually-driven platforms like Instagram.

Industry Variation in SOV

Every industry has its own way of shouting from the rooftops. With Industry Variation in SOV, the key is to hone what makes your industry unique.

Is there a prime season where Share of Voice spikes due to increased advertising, like the holiday rush for retailers? Or, are there regulatory considerations that affect promotion, such as in pharmaceuticals?

Share of voice tools

Thankfully, there are a plethora of tools and software that can streamline the process. From comprehensive analytics platforms to a specific share of voice calculators, you have different options to automate this tracking.

You should look for features like real-time tracking, integration with multiple channels, and in-depth reporting capabilities to measure their brand’s SOV accurately.

Here’s a list of companies that offer share of voice tracking :


Their software tracks brand mentions from 1 billion sources while eliminating all the noise so you only have relevant mentions. Their custom reports allow for automated reports about Share of Voice.

Mention dashboard

Starting price : from 41$/mo

Try Mention for free!


SproutSocial allows you to analyse share of voice and track voice metrics. Its AI-powered technology helps track mentions from all over the web and generate Share of Voice reports.


Starting price : from $249/mo


Sprinklr monitors over 25 social media platforms, news websites, blogs, and forums, providing a complete picture of what people say about their brand and industry online, including share of voice.

Sprinklr homepage

Starting price : $100k license a year


From tracking keyword rankings to analyzing backlinks, Ahrefs provides invaluable data that can guide SOV strategy. This includes visibility scores and traffic estimates.

Ahrefs dashboard

Starting price : from 89€/mo

How to leverage SOV

To harness Share of Voice effectively, businesses must understand its impact on brand management, revenue, and Return on Investment (ROI). A strategic approach to Share of Voice can elevate a business’s service or product in a competitive market.

Effective Use of SOV

Leveraging Share of Voice entails more than just tracking mentions—it’s about understanding the buzz surrounding your brand.

To do this, businesses should proactively engage with their audience across various platforms. This could mean responding to customer inquiries or joining conversations related to your industry.

For instance, initiating and participating in discussions can increase a brand’s visibility and, consequently, its Share of Voice.

They can also launch marketing campaigns that resonate with their target demographic to amplify their message.

Utilizing social listening tool like Mention allows you to stay on top of and analyze conversations, understand your actual Share of Voice, and identify opportunities to boost engagement and SOV.

This proactive stance can have a tangible effect on a company’s ROI.

Media monitoring campaign

Analyzing SOV for Strategic Decisions

By analyzing Share of Voice data, companies can make more informed strategic decisions directly impacting their business goals.

SOV analysis reveals not only how much conversation your brand is generating but also the sentiment behind it. This insight can guide product development, competitor research, marketing strategy, and customer service improvements.

For example, a positive shift in customer sentiment when tied to a new service offering can signal a strong market fit. Meanwhile, a sudden spike in negative mentions may indicate a need for swift customer service intervention.

By constantly monitoring Share of Voice, businesses get a clearer picture of their market position and can adjust strategies to improve ROI.

Interested in calculating your Share of Voice automatically? Try Mention for free!

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Lucas Carval

Lucas is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Mention since October 2023. His areas of expertise include digital marketing, SEO and outreach. He grew a streetwear Instagram page network from 0 to 120k in a year, and now helps Mention improve their number of qualified leads. He's working on getting a Master’s degree in Digital Strategy by 2025.

Digital Growth Specialist @Mention