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Introducing a Smarter Influencers Dashboard

Introducing a Smarter Influencers Dashboard

Home Blog Mention News Introducing a Smarter Influencers Dashboard

mention influencer dashboard

Earlier this fall, we gave you a sneak peek of a portal to view influencers for any of your Mention alerts. We mentioned more to come, but you know us. We love being cloaked in mystery and intrigue, so we didn’t share too many details.
Today we’re excited to show you the next step: a full, sortable influencer dashboard!

Available to all premium users, the influencer dashboard shows you website and Twitter users mentioning your keywords.
View all the important information you need to identify advocates and VIPs to grow your community and build your brand.
For Twitter influencers, you can view:

  • Name and Twitter handle
  • Number of followers and location
  • What topics they’re influential in
  • Their influencer score
  • How many times they’ve mentioned your keywords during the time frame you’re looking at
  • Quick buttons to follow or send a tweet to the influencer
Mention twitter influencers dashboard

See for yourself:

Now, for influential websites, your dashboard is a little different. You see:

  • Website URL
  • What topics it’s influential in
  • The website’s influencer score
  • How many times it’s mentioned your keywords during the time frame you’re looking at
mention web influencers

And here’s what that looks like:

And new feature alert! Now you can sort your “My Influencer List” by influencer score or number of mentions.

Ways to Use Your Mention Influencers Dashboard

  • Identify influential websites for upcoming PR campaigns and future press coverage. Start building those relationships now so your pitch will get accepted later.
  • See which important publications are talking about your competitors instead of you. Can you figure out how they landed that mention and replicate it?
  • Increase the reach of your next marketing launch by finding influencers to help you spread the word about the campaign.
  • When prospecting leads, look for which ones have the potential to become vocal and influential advocates.
  • No time to engage with everyone in your community right now? No problem, but make sure the influencers get a response!

And like always, there’s more to come. But because of mystery and intrigue, so you’ll just have to wait and see!

How are you going to use your influencers dashboard? Log in now and try it out!

Brittany Berger

Guest Blogger @Mention