Looking for an alternative to Cision ?

Mention lets you track, analyze, and react to everything said about your brand online

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Social media monitoring

Comprehensive web and social tracking


Unlimited users

Unlimited user access and team collaboration at no extra cost

ease of use

Painless implementation

Instant setup and onboarding to ensure adoption

What makes Mention different

Here is the best alternative to Cision


Track everything online

Your business is present on social media, blogs, forums, and review sites. Like it or not, you need to know what's said about you online. We track more than 1 billion sources daily, to make sure you never miss a thing.

Trackur alternative

Get detailed reports - automatically

Building reports from scratch is a waste of time. It's also completely unnecessary. Mention lets you automate reports to be delivered to any email address, with only the metrics that matter to you.

Trackur alternatives

Spy on your competitors

Monitor the competition and learn from their strategy. See what works for them, and incorporate it into your own approach. Watch for their big mistakes, and don't make the same yourself.

alternative to talkwalker

Avoid crises

Crisis management is important for businesses and agencies. Watch for negative comments online and respond before they spread. Be the first to know, before disaster strikes.

“Our team loves the ability to pick up in the morning and see all the relevant news for a client, a client competitor, or just general background. Having Mention at our fingertips has proven to be invaluable.”

Lex Bearden, Calvert Street Group

“We find competitive analysis very helpful. By following our competitors’ online marketing strategy and product releases, we can quickly allocate our marketing resources in the right direction and engage with our customers in a more convenient way.”

Viktorija Poderskienė, Host1Plus

Calvert Street Group
Viktorija Poderskienė
Ease of Use
Customer service

750,000 companies use Mention daily.

You too can make better business decisions based on real-world data. Join us today.