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How Livestorm Uses Mention to Monitor Competition

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Livestorm helps companies get more from their webinars by making them simpler and more user-friendly. It provides added analytics, integrates with key marketing tools, and operates 100% from within your browser.

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Monitoring competitors

Lots of users come to Mention wanting to monitor competitors. With the number of social media and web conservations happening every minute, there are plenty of opportunities to gain insight. You just need to know how to listen.

This is the key reason why Livestorm started with Mention - to understand the industry more completely. "It's a highly competitive market. There are a ton of other software options, each with their differences, but we all do webinars. It's very hard to differentiate yourself. So for us it's very important to listen to what people are saying about us and our competitors on the web."

"First, we listen to what our prospects' customers say about them on social media. When someone is not happy with their experience, we're able to jump into the conversation and let them know about our service and hopefully we can help them have a better experience."

Many Mention customers use this strategy to generate leads. And what's great about it is that it's quick and easy. "We've had some interesting conversations that have come from these moments. We've got people's attention, and they've inquired further about Livestorm. Plus, it only takes 30 seconds to write the tweet, so there's no downside."

Increasing PR mentions

Whether it's for SEO, building brand awareness, or improving the company's reputation, having journalists and bloggers write about your business is gold. Livestorm watches specifically for articles about its competitors, to monitor competition and knowing that these authors may be interested in Livestorm too.

"We make connections with blogs and websites who've written articles about our competitors, to try to be included in the future." First, Thibaut identifies these articles with Mention, thanks to alerts those same competitive alerts above. Then he takes action.

"You could just leave a comment on the article, but we try to be a little more personal. Usually, I contact the author of the publication and explain to them why our service is special or different, or identify a pain point that we can solve that our competitors can't."

"I see this as a long-term strategy, and I don't always expect the author to change their article right away. But it's important that they know about us, they know why we might be better than the other tools. And next time they write, they'll think about us."

One recent example really stands out. "There was a big article that was shared a ton on social media. I found it thanks to Mention. It doesn't mention us, but it's hugely popular and is getting a lot of traction. So, I contacted the owner of the website and have built a great relationship with them so far. Now, we're hoping to be able to work together soon, which would be big for us."

And the best part for Thibaut is the time he saves. "Without Mention it would take me so much longer. I'd either have to rely on Tweetdeck and all my saved searches, or look manually online. That would take hours. With Mention I can log in and immediately see what was published and what's going on."
Livestorm Mention Monitor competition Livestorm uses Mention to monitor competition With Mention Livestorm monitors competition

"With Mention I can log in and immediately see what was published and what's going on."

Thibaut Davoult
Growth Engineer
With Mention Livestorm monitors competition

Tracking brand mentions

The classic reason brands use media monitoring is not just to monitor competitors, but to learn what people say about them online. Livestorm is no different. "We pay attention to every mention we get. If we're mentioned in an article, we look closely at the shares and comments and see what the reaction was on social media. We can even reach out to the people commenting if it looks like they might be interested in us."

"Of course we also watch basic mentions of our brand, especially negative ones. Luckily, we don't have too many negative ones so far. Our customers prefer to talk to us directly if there's any problem, and that's due to our great customer service. They'd rather solve it with us than tell the whole world about it. That's not the case for other brands that don't feel as human, or don't work with their customers as closely."

"What I really like is the ability to ignore specific sources. There can be so much noise, and this is one of the biggest issues that Mention solves."

Thibaut Davoult
Growth Engineer
With Mention Livestorm monitors competition

Cutting through the noise

You already know the sheer volume of mentions online and on social media. Trying to read every single one of them is hopeless strategy. Livestorm uses Mention's filters to remove anything unnecessary, and focus on the most important. "What I really like is the ability to ignore specific sources. There can be so much noise, and this is one of the biggest issues that Mention solves. The ability to listen to social media is important, but even more important is being able to drill down, and mark certain sources as unimportant."

This helps make Livestorm more efficient and better at outreach. "In B2B marketing at the moment, there are so many people writing about tools and services, and you have to reach out to them. I really don't think you can afford not to do this. The biggest thing is being able to sort through the noise. This saves so much time. Time is sensitive - you can easily waste a lot of it."

Like many other users Thibaut initially relied on free tools. "In the past, I tried to do this with Google Alerts and Twitter tools like Tweetdeck. This took so long, and wasted so much time. I only need to open Mention once a day, or sometimes once a week, and I know everything that's going on."

"I only need to open Mention once a day, or sometimes once a week, and I know everything that's going on."

Thibaut Davoult
Growth Engineer
With Mention Livestorm monitors competition

Automated reporting

An additional benefit of Mention is the ability to create and send reports to any email inbox in the world. This is perfect for agencies reporting to clients, or marketing teams keeping each other informed.

For Livestorm, these reports let individual team members work the way they prefer. "I log into Mention daily, but my colleague never opens it. He gets the reports delivered to his inbox, and for him it's perfect. This lets him see how our brand performs online, with nice graphs and everything he needs.

"So it's great that different people can use the tool in their own ways."

"The ability to listen to social media is important, but even more important is being able to drill down, and mark certain sources as unimportant."

Thibaut Davoult
Growth Engineer
With Mention Livestorm monitors competition

Mention & Livestorm

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